Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Great Day with World Vision Albania

World Vision Managers Group #1

Today was the end of the first training for the managers of World Vision Albania. We had a great day together. Christy and I have been so blessed to work with such an incredible group of people. They have worked hard the last 3 days and have made a commitment to used the skills they have learned. Tomorrow we do additional training for the primary mentors chosen for the managers and staff of world vision. This training gives the primary mentors additional time with us to role play and understand the process at a much deeper level to start the mentoring program for World Vision Albania.

At the end of the day today they all wanted us to send their love to you all and to thank you for praying for them.

Blessings to you all, that is all for tonight.

1 comment:

Steve Judson said...

May God bless you as you serve Him and the people of Albania. You are in our prayers. Pastor Steve